New Community Landscape Designs
Curlewis Parks Estate | Drysdale: Master Plan
Curlewis Parks Estate is a 24 hectare, 306 lot master-planned residential development located on the Bellarine Peninsula near Geelong that establishes a new benchmark for smaller estates through the unique adoption of an Aboriginal-inspired landscape philosophy that also promotes indigenous plant species to recast public open space in a new light. This project demonstrates the valuable contribution that smaller residential estates can make to the social, economic and environmental matrix of urban development whereby well considered, individual investment can contribute significantly to the greater region. The overall design concept emphasises the value that can be derived from an estate that embraces underlying rich and significant regional cultural history.
The well-executed landscape provides cues to past cultural activities and integrates sympathetic land management practices disparate to many national precedents. The objective of the project was to create a residential community that identified with the local indigenous Wathaurong cultural heritage within a contemporary urban open space development. The project acknowledges that art is a central part of Aboriginal life and that art expressions support the Wathaurong connection with ‘country’ while informing and enriching the entire community. Within a regional context, the landscape design realises immense contemplative, learning and recreational opportunities for both the Curlewis Parks Estate and wider communities. This is achieved through interpretive artworks whose materiality is replicated and inter-dispersed with interpretive signage throughout the parklands. Large-scale artworks draw immediate public awareness, but there is also a secondary layer of messaging delivered through more subtle symbolism and narrative.
The budget for the Estate landscape was approximately $1.2 million. Infinity Landscape Architects’ scope of project services included briefing, concept design, master planning, construction documentation and contract administration. Featuring numerous recreational parklands, Infinity Landscape Architects’ vision has evolved significantly from the ideas first captured in their initial estate Landscape Master Plan of 2012 and was an entrant in the 2014 Australian Institute of Landscape Architect Victorian Awards.
Curlewis Parks Estate | Drysdale: Stage 1 & 2
Curlewis Parks Estate could have been another unremarkable residential estate development yet it is testament to the collaborative endeavours of all stakeholders that a remarkable landscape has been delivered. Infinity Landscape Architects excelled in terms of extending the original client brief through all stages of the development by:
- Presenting high quality built landscapes that clearly differentiated this estate from others where the hand of the landscape architect is less evident;
- Engaging with Aboriginal, Wathaurong, culture in the design including the incorporation of artistic treatments, interpretative expressions, and the use of indigenous and Wathaurong-relevant plants that provide a clear and unique identity to the estate;
- Cross-referencing spaces through interpretive signage dialogue;
- Creating linkages and connectivity;
- Providing spaces within spaces to support a range of experiences including both active and passive and pursuits;
- Providing unique opportunities to participate, learn and foster appreciation.
Curlewis Parks Estate | Drysdale: Stage 3 & 4
Infinity Landscape Architects’ Director Scott Munro consulted with the local Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative to deliver several Aboriginal-inspired landscape designs within each parkland including Stages 3 & 4 which feature an Aboriginal-themed playground and an Aboriginal fish trap.
The Curlewis Parks Estate project was warmly received by the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative, who provided valuable insights, referrals and advice. The Wathaurong’s spirit has been captured in the shapes, forms, colours, textures and locations of the final installations.
In reviewing the designs, City of Greater Geelong said:
“This is the first project which seeks to integrate artwork into a play space since the adoption of the new Playground Strategy. We would support more of its kind, especially as it seeks to marry stories of place, environment, heritage and interpretation with children’s play. We see this as being an important strategy in relation to new communities in open field developments by promoting connection with place and awareness and care for the environment.”
Curlewis Parks Estate | Drysdale: Stage 5-7
As with previous stages; Curlewis Parks Estate Stages 5-7 incorporated interpretive signage into the parklands to deliver subtle messages, heighten awareness and promote further exploration and discovery.
Coordinated use of Wathaurong Aboriginal artwork details and landscape materials such as cor-ten steel, recycled timbers and cobblestones creates a dialogue between artworks and interpretive signage. These elements also assist with community orientation and neighbourhood way finding.

Hidden Harbour, Martha Cove | Safety Beach
Infinity Landscape Architects’ director Scott Munro has been involved with the Martha Cove development since 2006. Scott’s intimate knowledge of the estate and local conditions were drawn upon in the design of a central linear parkland in Stage 5 of the estate.
The park serves as a pleasing recreational destination while increasing the visual amenity for interfacing properties.
Saltwater Coast Lifestyle Centre | Saltwater Coast
The landscape designs for the Lifestyle Centre were completed by Tract in 2017. Infinity Landscape Architects are currently providing contract administration services for installation of the landscape works.

The Pinnacle | Sanctuary Lakes
Owners Corporation engaged the professional services of Infinity Landscape Architects to provide consultation and landscape design services to upgrade the existing estate entry commensurate with the esteemed luxury homes concealed within.
Renovation works are still in progress. Watch this space for updates.