Primary & Secondary Schools
Mount St. Josephs Girls’ College | Altona
Infinity Landscape Architects have provided design and project management expertise for several areas of the College including the Tenison Woods Learning Centre, Sustainable Garden and Wellbeing Garden.
The gardens now provide the basis for a gardening club and produce for cooking classes.
Heatherton Christian College | Clarinda
Infinity Landscape Architects’ scope of works included an assessment of the age, health and viability of existing vegetation and recommendations for retention or removal within the new landscape scheme.

Darul Ulum College of Victoria | Fawkner
Within the landscape designs for the extensive school grounds, a unique mosque ‘Jardin Islamique’ was created adjacent to the striking Prayer Hall.
Stella Maris Catholic Primary School | Point Cook
This project captured the imagination of the entire school community with huge contributions from many parents and friends of the school. Successive Stella Maris Gamily Fun Days and a $5000 CUA Community Care Grant helped generate funds for the project. Infinity Landscape Architects’ Scott Munro worked closely with the school principal and school partners to design and implement a major landscaped swale system through the school grounds. The meandering swale receives water from a section of the school roof as well storm water run-off from the grounds.
The landscape design incorporates interesting play elements including pathways, pylon bridges, pole forest with bird boxes and a pumping station. The landscape design has been incorporated into the School’s Sustainability Learning curriculum and the children have been involved in the design and installation of artworks to the straw-bale rendered seats and bird boxes.

Truganina College | Truganina
Infinity Landscape Architects has recently been engaged to provide Landscape Concept plans for the College’s entry.
Due to the scale of the project, it is anticipated that the construction budget will exceed $150,000. We are currently undertaking research and site analysis before commencing designs.